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Lindsanity's Pill Problem: It's Bad!

And she is messing around with some serious shiz!
While Lindsay Lohan’s packing her leggings and iPhone for prison, sources are uncovering some startling news about Lindsay’ most recent probation report. It seems that after Lindsay had her wisdom teeth taken out, her dentist prescribed her Dilaudid, an extremely powerful painkiller, often compared to morphine and heroin.
Whoa! Sounds like a bit much for wisdom teeth!
Sources explain that as long as she has a prescription, LiLo is in the clear to continue popping. We’re not sure of the quantity the doctor prescribed, but we also know that LiLo has prescriptions for Ambien and Adderall. Something tells us all of those shouldn’t mix!
Now, Lindsay is still required to take drug tests before she heads off to prison, but in the famous words of Michael Lohan, the drug tests do not include a scan for prescription meds.
We’re a little worried about her, now. Someone better keep an eye on her…and her medicine cabinet.
[Image via WENN.]

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Jul 07, 2010 11:30am PDT

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