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Twitter Goes NUTS Over Lizzo's Tiny Desk Performance! WATCH!

Lizzy does NPR's Tiny Desk!

Lizzo brought the house down — “tiny-ass desk” and all!

On Monday, NPR released the Coconut Oil singer/rapper’s Tiny Desk Concert, where she performed her hit songs: Cuz I Love You, Truth Hurts, and Juice!

Related: Lizzo Reveals She Almost Quit Music!

After belting out her first bop, the 31-year-old gave the audience an empowering speech, saying:

“Hallelujah! I don’t know what’s come over me, but I’m cryin’ cuz I love ya!… Let’s move forward. Cryin’ cuz I love you, but now I’m cryin’ cuz you get on my f**kin’ nerves. That’s natural though, right? That’s a part of it. The spectrum, the polarity. N***** ain’t s**t sometimes. Bitches ain’t s**t sometimes too. And all the non-conforming genders in between you can be ain’t s**t too! Love is love, man. Love is love.”

After the clip went viral, Twitter users could NOT contain their excitement over the musician’s EPIC set!

They wrote:

“Are you feeling tired this Monday? Sluggish and unenthused? Listen to @Lizzo‘s Tiny Desk concert and make all of that go away.”

“Whatever it is that you’re doing right now, STOP. Because the @lizzo Tiny Desk concert is up, and is guaranteed to make your day. @nprmusic”

“She’s a true Queen”

“honestly wish we were there I can’t even imagine what experiencing that energy would be like in person”

“Best. Tiny. Desk. Ever!!!!! Thanks for making my Monday.”

“Well, that’s a great way to start my morning. Ya-ya-ee!”

“@lizzo is an actual ray of sunshine in my lifeI love her so much! Thank you for giving me my whole life this morning queen”

WATCH (below):

In a May 2019 interview with the publication, the songstress opened up about how wearing sexy clothing can be seen as a feminist statement. She divulged:

“I feel like if I were a thin woman, maybe that wouldn’t be the case. I feel like women who are smaller aren’t really given the opportunities to be body positive or role models either, because we’ve been conditioned to believe that women are using their bodies for the male gaze… And I think if I were slimmer I don’t think people would look to me with the same type of like, ‘Oh wow, she’s so brave she’s doing this and representing everyone!’ [the way they do,] because I’m big. I think what’s happening here is that there’s different waves of feminism. It’s like a generational thing… Like, one generation asks one thing, and then that next generation is going to ask the complete opposite of it. So where there was a wave of feminism where we were burning bras, now I’m like, ‘Bitch, my bra is in your f**king face!’ And I think that that is just a testament to human beings and how we evolve… I think that the wave of feminism right now that’s overtly sexual and in your face I think is just the response to where we were. Like, I’m going to wear a suit and I’m going to boss up on you… You-can’t-tell-me-what-to-do type vibes, and [I’m] like, ‘No, I’m gonna tell you what to do!'”

Get it, girl!

[Image via NPR.]

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Jul 29, 2019 15:47pm PDT