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Logan Paul Half-Apologizes For His 'Go Gay For A Month' Remark

Logan Paul Suicide Forest

At least he finally (kind of?) owned up to his bullsh*t!!!
Logan Paul (yes, the suicide forest controversy guy) has apologized for his “go gay for a month” remark that took place on this past Wednesday’s episode of his Impaulsive podcast.
Related: Logan Returns To YouTube Routine After Suicide Forest Controversy
The YouTube video-maker and 23-year-old social media star fell into a massive controversy when, on the podcast, he quipped that he was “going to attempt to go gay for just one month,” to his co-host, Mike Mejlak.
Almost immediately, social media was set on fire with thousands of people condemning his insensitive and ignorant remarks — and now, thankfully, he’s at least apologize for it.
Tweeting late Friday night about the incident, Paul said (below):

Saying “I’m sorry,” or “I’m really dumb for saying that,” or something more direct might have been better than “my fault,” but at least he sort of owns it??
It’s Logan Paul here, y’all — we’re not expecting any sort of intellectual growth or self-awareness on any significant level… just the lowest, simplest walk-back that maybe shows he’s feeling a sliver of regret.
We’ll take what we can get.
[Image via YouTube.]

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Jan 13, 2019 10:10am PDT