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Lost's Josh Holloway Has Found His Way Into Being A Daddy -- AGAIN!

josh holloway expeting number 2
Josh Holloway must not’ve gotten his wife Yessica preggers while on the island, because, well, she got preggers!
Actually we can’t really remember if women were infertile on the island or if it was some other problem, but something at some point had something to do with babies, and it was worth the Lost reference!
You can’t tell our beatutiful asses otherwise!
Anyway, Josh is becoming a daddy for the second time, only this time he’s 44 years old. His last little one was born 4.5 years ago, and she’s super adorable.
Here’s how he dropped the bomb during a question about being a sex symbol:

“That’s funny because I’m a family man. I’ve got a 4½-year-old daughter and another one on the way — pretty excited about that.”

What a great and HUNKY dad!
We wonder if the kiddos love the scruff on his face, or if it’s too prickly! We’d love it. Don’t get us wrong.
Just in a different way!
CONGRATS, Josh and Yessica!
[Image via Nikki Nelson/WENN.]

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Nov 20, 2013 15:20pm PDT

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