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Wildlife Officials Want To Kill Lucy The Goose

A Canadian goose was rescued when it was a baby from a hungry eagle by a woman named Diane Vander Wiel.
She took it home and with the help of her chickens, nursed it back to health and named her Lucy.
She tried to reintroduce Lucy into the wild but she never flies too far from the family’s rural property.
She’s free to leave whenever she wants but chooses to return to her human family and play with their dogs or snuggle up inside the home, near the fire during cold nights.
Lucy has been a family member for two years, but now, conservation officers had just gone to Diane’s home and captured Lucy and took her away.
And now they’re planning to euthanize her!!
They are refusing to release Lucy because Diane has no permit to keep wildlife.
We understand laws are in place for a reason but this is a riduclous use of authority.
Do they really think Lucy is better off inside a crate in a shelter instead of flying free around the family farm?
There’s a Facebook page for Lucy you can check out if you’d like to know more.
Click HERE to view “Bring Lucy Home!!”
[Image courtesy Diane Vander Wiel.]

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Jan 18, 2012 11:00am PDT

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