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Madonna Comments On Her Epic Fall At The BRIT Awards! Her Madgesty Had To Choose Between Being Strangled Or Falling Down!

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We’re still reeling from Cape-Gate! Who can blame us? Cape Fear made us very afraid; we don’t want anything bad to ever happen to her Madgesty!
In an interview on The Jonathan Ross Show, Madonna commented on what went wrong with her cape that led to her scary fall at the BRIT Awards!
[ Related: Madonna Speaks Out Following Her Now Infamous BRIT Awards Fall! ]
Basically the cape’s string that was tied around her neck was too tight to slide off, so her two backup dancers ended up “basically strangling” her.
Wow, we just got as emotional as Kanye West in his recent BBC1 interview. We’re just glad Madonna’s okay!
Here’s what she told Jonathan about the whole incident:

“I’m a creature of habit I rehearse everything, everything, everything… I was thrown a wrench at the beginning of the performance. I was told to tie my cape and start much further back and I had to walk further and everyone was worried my cape was slide off so they tied it really tight around my neck. So here I am marching in like the queen, I got to the top of the stairs and I pulled the silky string and it wouldn’t come undone. My two lovely Japanese dancers they basically strangled me off the stage. I had two choices, I could either be strangled or fall, and I chose to fall… It was a nightmare, I like to be amazing, I rehearse and rehearse so when I do a show it is effortless and I create magic. I did the opposite, I actually created a horror show for everyone… I’m never writing lyrics like that again the universe was trying to teach me a lesson… I didn’t hurt my butt but I hurt my head…. I know how to fall, I have fallen off my horse many times…. I had little bit of whiplash, I smacked the back of my head. And I had a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3am to make sure I was compos mentis… I am always nervous of live TV, when you’re singing you can’t make any mistakes, the worst thing is you fall down stairs. I like to make my shows dangerous but then there is danger… No more capes; cape fear is over.”

Well, we just exhaled a huge sigh of relief.
Yes, please for our sake, Madonna… no… more… capes… ever.

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Feb 26, 2015 23:15pm PDT

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