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Fashion Week

Marc Jacobs Is Cheap! Doesn't Pay Models Unless He's In Paris

Marc Jacobs doesn’t have a problem with shelling out $1 million for his New York Fashion Week sets, but when it comes to the girls who walk on them? Not so much.
The designer used 17 year old Hailey Hasbrook as his “look” model for his fall show, which had her changing in and out of clothes from 6pm to as late (or early) as 4:30am.
After all was said and done, Hasbrook clocked upwards of 30+ hours as Jacobs’ live mannequin and how did he repay her? With clothes.
We could see how some girls would be OK with that, but keeping a 17 year old until the wee hours of the morning is wrong.
If he has to pay his Louis Vuitton models in Paris, because it’s the law, he should pay the ones he uses in the US too.
Plus, we all know Marc has the money. He’s one of the highest paid designers in the industry for cryin’ out loud!
What do U think about this???
[Image via AP Images.]

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Mar 05, 2012 18:00pm PDT