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Maria Menounos Used To Eat How Many Slices Of Pizza In One Sitting?? Hear All About Her Life Before Dropping 40 Lbs!

maria menounos weight loss past health fitness body
Maria Menounos has the body we all want, and the proof is right there (above) us on the cover of Ladies Home Journal!
She didn’t always look that way, though. She didn’t always used to be that healthy. In fact, she says she struggled with her weight in her younger days!
At 35, she’s now knows her own body inside and out. She grew up in health conscious household, which led to her diving into everything she was denied when she was a kid, just because as an adult she was finally able to have it all!
She said:

“There were no chips, ice cream, or sugary cereals anywhere at home├óΓé¼┬ªI didn’t even know what bagels or waffles were until late in high school. For dinner we ate a variety of dishes made with lentils, vegetables, and beans from the garden. Our dessert? Fruit.”

Part of the reason for this is that he dad had Type 1 diabetes, but that doesn’t mean he had to have everyone eat the same as he did — but it WAS probably easier!
She continued:

“Then when I was 13 I got a job at a doughnut shop. Surrounded by sugar for the first time in my life, I couldn’t resist. In my freshman year of high school I was a size 3, and I grew a size every year.”

Things didn’t stop in college either, and she was completely free from her parents:

“I didn’t gain the Freshman 15├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥I gained the Freshman 40. I could keep candy and chips in my room and eat all the late-night pizza I could afford. I grew to a size 14 and kept growing. I felt sick and lethargic. I wanted to nap all the time.”

She lived like that for years (sometimes even eating SEVEN pieces of pizza in one sitting!), until in her early 20s she made the big decision to stop feeling as awful as she did. Using the same drive that got her to where she is today, she created her own diet and plan that worked for her!
She said:

“Since I couldn’t find a plan that worked for me, I decided to create my own. Within a year I lost 40 pounds.”

She then moved to Hollywood and kept the weight off — but in a much unhealthier way. She was so busy she didn’t have the time to put into good habits:

“There were consequences to eating so much junk. I was in and out of the hospital multiple times for exhaustion, malnutrition and dehydration. I realized my whole quest to have an amazing body needed to be seriously reevaluated. Just because you’re thinner doesn’t mean you’re healthier. I made it my mission to figure out the very best ways to control my weight and be healthy at the same time.”
“My goal was to stop overeating, make healthier choices, and lose weight slowly over the course of one year. Trying to rush or do crazy crash diets does not give you sustainable results.”

So here’s her advice! Listen close:

“Before you change your diet, spend a week recording everything that you eat├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥and when you ate it├óΓé¼ΓÇ¥in a weight-loss journal. Now that you know what you’re eating. Aim for 10,000 steps per day.”

She also says that you need to avoid the scale, and to make sure you’re eating your calories — not drinking them!
And don’t forget to reward yourself!!
Honestly, these are amazing tips to live by! We had no idea that she used to struggle like this!
Now that she’s 35, well, her body speaks for itself!
[Image via Ladies Home Journal.]

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Mar 17, 2014 09:31am PDT

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