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Mark Zuckerberg Will Take Two Months Off From Facebook When His Wife Gives Birth!

Mark's putting daddy duties first!
If you see any status updates from Mark Zuckerberg after his wife gives birth, they’ll probably only be precious baby pictures!
On Friday, the social media genius took to Facebook — duh — to announce that he’ll be taking an extended paternity leave from his job as CEO once he and his lady love, Priscilla Chan, finally welcome their beautiful baby girl into the world.
Photo: Mark Shares A Beautiful Photo Of His Pregnant Wife!
The 31-year-old shared a sweet snap of his precious pooch sitting by a stroller, and wrote in the caption:

“Priscilla and I are starting to get ready for our daughter’s arrival. We’ve also been thinking about how we’re going to take time off during the first months of her life. This is a very personal decision, and I’ve decided to take 2 months of paternity leave when our daughter arrives.”

The soon-to-be proud poppa explained that it’s very important to him that he’s actually able to spend time with his little one, adding:

“Studies show that when working parents take time to be with their newborns, outcomes are better for the children and families. At Facebook we offer our US employees up to 4 months of paid maternity or paternity leave which they can take throughout the year.”

The FB founder continued to say that he’s beyond thrilled to finally be a father:

“Every day things are getting a little more real for us, and we’re excited to start this next stage in our lives.”

Ch-ch-check out his full post (below)!

Priscilla and I are starting to get ready for our daughter’s arrival. We’ve been picking out our favorite childhood…
Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Friday, November 20, 2015

Awwww! We’re so excited for you two!
No word yet on when Priscilla is expected to pop, but we’re glad this cute couple already seems super devoted to their future child!
[Image via Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook.]

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Nov 20, 2015 22:02pm PDT