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John McCain

McCain Threatens Legal Action Over Palin "Rumors"


Sarah Palin is the ultimate trainwreck of late.

She just gives us so much to talk about!!!!

And here’s the latest…

It’s pitbull vs pitbull!

As we all saw in the case of John Edwards, which we followed quite vocally, if theNational Enquirer is on to something they’re like a pitbull that’s bitten into a leg — you can’t shake it off!

And, whether or you liked their tactics or not, the Enquirer DID reveal the truth in the Edwards mistress case, although they’re not always right.

The tabloid has asserted that Alaska’s lipstick wearing pitbull of a governor allegedly had an affair with her snowmobile racing husband’s business partner.

The John McCain camp is, no surprise, not too happy with the Enquirer‘s meddling and has threatened legal action.

Suing to to throw the Enquirer off the adulterous trail, Johnny boy?

We can’t wait to see where the rag takes us with this story!

[Image via Getty Images.]

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Sep 04, 2008 11:15am PDT