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Meghan Markle's Estranged Dad Slams #Megxit: 'Both Of Them Are Turning Into Lost Souls'

Thomas Markle Meghan Markle documentary interview Megxit reaction

Meghan Markle‘s estranged father has a LOT to say about his daughter’s planned step back from the royal family alongside husband Prince Harry.

The 75-year-old man made his most recent controversial comments here as part of a documentary filmed for the UK’s Channel 5, during which he spoke out about the couple’s big move away from the royal fam. Early on Sunday, the outlet released a teaser excerpt showing some of Thomas’ comments, too, and let’s just say he didn’t exactly hold back… yeah…

Related: The Royal Fam Will Review The Couple’s Exit In Exactly One Year…

Speaking about his 38-year-old daughter’s abrupt decision to walk away from the royal family, the embattled old man sounds bitter and disappointed as can be. At one point during the excerpt from the documentary teased early online, he says (below):

“It’s disappointing because she actually got every girl’s dream. Every young girl wanted to become a princess and she got that and now she’s tossing that away, for, it looks like she’s tossing that away for money … I think both of them are turning into lost souls at this point. I don’t know what they’re looking for.”


The septuagenarian is on the war path with this one, isn’t he?!

Meghan Markle Prince Harry New Zealand visit
Meghan and Harry made a controversial decision to step away from the royal family, for sure, but do they deserve the public wrath of big, bad Thomas?! Talk about vicious!!! / (c) John Rainford/WENN

Thomas was far from done there, though, and he only further doubled down on his views beyond that, slamming both Meghan and Harry for their role in “cheapening” and “destroying” the royal family’s good name.

The elder, estranged Markle added (below):

“It’s kind of embarrassing to me. When they got married, they took on an obligation and the obligation is to be part of the royals and to represent the royals and it would be foolish for them not to. This is like one of the greatest, long-living institutions ever. They are destroying it. They are cheapening it. They’re making it shabby. They are turning it into a Walmart with a crown of it now. It is something that is ridiculous. They shouldn’t be doing this.”

Holy smokes!!!!

BTW, you can watch his teaser comments in the doc excerpt right HERE.

But anyways… this isn’t the first time an estranged Markle family member has come after Meghan over her decision earlier this month. At least she’s getting some support from close family, but still. What a tough time to have to navigate all this stuff!

[Image via iTV/YouTube]

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Jan 19, 2020 11:14am PDT