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Mel Gibson Knows Better Than To Mess With The French!!


Once again, Mel Gibson, there are CONSEQUENCES for your actions.

A HIGHlarious, small example of the despicable actor getting his for his latest outburst – when he called a Chicago WGN-TV interviewer an asshole while still on camera – happened yesterday when he appeared live on France’s Canal+ Le Grand Journal to discuss his latest flop film Edge of Darkness.

Panelist Mahloud Anchour asked, “Did you come prepared with French curse words for French journalists?”

HAHAHAHAHAHA. France = Awesome. Mel Gibson = dick.

By some amazing miracle, Mel managed to bite his tongue so hard it bled, and responded in a French accent,

“Non! I mean no. It usually comes out in English if I’m angry. I have a short fuse. I’m trying to work on it.

A SHORT FUSE? That’s the understatement of the millenium!!

However, we think Mel was smart to avoid getting sassy with the French, he would have gotten his ass HANDED to him, probably in something really fashionable and extra bitchy!!

[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 04, 2010 12:00pm PDT

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