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Shia LaBeouf Has Mel Gibson In His Corner! Is This Argument Going To Convince You To Be On His Side?

mel gibson shia labeouf sbs doodle
Talk about the last person you want in your corner!
Disgraced actor Mel Gibson, you know, the guy who unleashed a storm of anti-Semitic remarks during his 2006 DUI, then repeatedly used the N-word while violently disparaging his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva in secret audio recordings?
Yeah. That guy.
Well, he’s saying this week that he can sympathize with what Shia LaBeouf is going through right now. Mel explained in an interview how Shia’s series of bad behavior is really just the media’s fault!
Gibson broke down what it’s like to be famous, saying:

“You’re a target. And you have to be really adept at tap dancing and dodging the bullets. And sometimes you get hit. Sometimes mortally. It├óΓé¼Γäós pretty bad.├óΓé¼┬¥

Dude. You’re only a target when you put a bullseye on your back. You├óΓé¼Γäóve got nobody to blame but yourself and your mouth!
Mel then addressed Shia specifically, speaking about what he thinks is really going on with the troubled 28-year-old star, who is in ongoing Alcoholic Anonymous counseling. Gibson said:

“When I see someone like Shia LaBeouf with the bag on his head and stuff, my heart goes out to the poor guy. I think he’s suffering in some way. Why would he do that? People are in line to sort of point the finger at him and say that he’s this, that, or the other. It’s easy to judge. But I’m sure he’s going through some kind of personal, very painful, cathartic thing that he has to exorcise and get out there. He’ll probably play it out and come back. He’ll be all right. I actually like the kid. I think he’s good.├óΓé¼┬¥

No word from Shia on whether he welcomes Mel’s support. But we’re gonna go out on a limb and say…nahhhh.
[Images via BauerGriffinOnline.]

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Jul 10, 2014 18:46pm PDT

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