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Mitt Romney's Son Was OK With Abortion?

Mitt Romney‘s son Tagg recently had twins through a surrogate mother. But before that happened – he apparently signed an agreement with the surrogate mother that gave her the option of having an abortion!!!
Here’s how the agreement read:

“If in the opinion of the treating physician or her independent obstetrician there is potential physical harm to the surrogate, the decision to abort or not abort is to be made by the surrogate. In the event the child is determined to be physiologically, genetically or chromosomally abnormal, the decision to abort or not to abort is to be made by the intended parents. In such a case the surrogate agrees to abort, or not to abort, in accordance with the intended parents’ decision.”

This basically means that Tagg and his wife gave the surrogate mother the option to abort the fetus even if her life wasn’t in danger. And gave themselves the option of choosing an abortion if they felt the need to.
This is SHOCKING news since Mitt is adamantly against abortion, and what’s even more shocking is Mitt Romney was in this clause because he paid some of the expenses connected with the agreement.
Here is what Romney has previously said:

“I’m in favor of abortion being legal in the case of rape and incest and the health and life of the mother.”

Could this mistake come back to haunt Romney?
It does seem like a bit of a double standard to be so vehemently against abortion, and then it turns out your own son chose to include the option in his own surrogate agreement – an agreement that included Romney’s name.
We guess we’ll just have to wait and see if this hurts Romney’s political chances in the future.
[Image via Twitter.]

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Sep 21, 2012 16:03pm PDT

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