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ProstiTot Mom In Hiding After Receiving Death Threats

Yes, dressing your daughter like a prostitute should probably be a crime, but receiving death threats over it is way going too far.

A mom who dressed her daughter like the prostitute Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman is in hiding after receiving several death threats.

Wendy Dickey says that the outfit was meant to be a joke and not a way to sexualize her daughter. She adds:

“The whole idea was for people to see the comedy behind it. It’s like when you take your children to a kids’ movie, there’s always adult humour that the parents get that the children don’t get and that’s what it was about.

When you take your children to the beach you put swimsuits on your girls, bikinis on your little ones or your big ones or teenagers.”

Meanwhile, the Parents Television Council blast TLC for airing the episode:

“There’s no question, TV executives are complicit in robbing these small kids of their childhood. For years we’ve seen adult sexuality being inappropriately and aggressively foisted on innocent young children, but children today are being sexualized at younger and younger ages. All available data suggests they will suffer for it later in life.”

Yes, we were just as shocked as everyone else when we saw the toddler’s outfit, but death threats is going waaaay too far.

What this woman probably needs though, is some counseling.

If you have yet to see the episode, watch a clip above to see what we’re talking about! It’s pretty outrageous!

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Sep 12, 2011 18:45pm PDT

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