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Cell Phones DON'T Cause Cancer??????

It seems that there are so many conflicting reports about the safety of cell phone use.
Well here’s another one!
This one claims that:

“There is no scientific evidence that low-level electromagnetic field exposure from mobiles phones and other transmitting devices causes adverse health effects.”

It was an extensive 200-page study that looked not only at cell phones but all wireless networks.
Electromagnetic radiation from cell phones/wifi/blue tooth is what people believe causes health issues, but the study found that radiation from a phone is about fifty times lower than the minimum needed to affect a human in any way.
Even then, they still studied the effects of the low level radiation. They concluded:

“The group found no evidence that the low-level fields around mobile phones and other transmitters increase the risk of cancer, impair male fertility, cause other reproductive damage or lead to other diseases and adverse health effects.”

So we can feel safe again! The study looked at 360,000 cell phone users in an 18-year study.
We feel pretty safe trusting the results.

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Sep 18, 2012 18:32pm PDT

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