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Not Going Bankrupt....Yet


Boxing star Evander Holyfield is fighting back against several reports that he’s having financial problems after news was leaked that his 109-room mansion (you read that right) was in foreclosure.

Reports were also stating that he’s behind in child support.

Holyfield is denying the reports, though, saying that he’s not broke and that he’s always taken care of his kids.

He says, “I’m not broke. I’m just not liquid. I do feel kind of sad because things have always been positive and now everybody wants to jump on me like I’m the worst person in the world and I went out and blew all my money.”

A newspaper on Wednesday published a foreclosure notice on the 235 acres Holyfield owns. He’ll have to make a full repayment of a $10 million loan.

An attorney representing the lending company said yesterday morning that the estate is no longer up for auction, but declined to comment further.

As for Holyfield, he said “everything is alright with the house now.”

Though it’s been reported that he has also taken out two additional mortgages totaling over $5 million. Let’s hope he can pay that back as well.

And, to make it worse, the mother of one of his eleven kids (yes, 11) has filed a petition for contempt claiming that Holyfield is behind on child support.

An attorney for the mother, who is probably getting way more in child support than the average US single mom, has said, “I would’ve liked to have seen him take care of his child support obligations before worrying about his house. If he hasn’t made the proper arrangements by then, we’ll ask that he be incarcerated.”

If he loses his house and goes to jail, then you’re really screwed on the child support for your client!

Holyfield is not keeping quiet about the child support claims.

He stated today, “Never. I would never do something like that. That’s been a consistency in my whole life. I have always taken care of my children. It’s just one of the mothers who’s saying something because she thinks it will embarrass me. I just have to roll with the punches in this situation.”

Ouch. Burn.

Oh, and Holyfield is also getting sued by a Utah consulting firm to which he still needs to repay a $550,000 loan. The lawsuit was filed two weeks ago and alleges Holyfield borrowed the money to pay for landscaping on his estate.

Someone give this man another fight!

He needs him some major money to get out of this hole!!!!

[Image via WENN.]

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Jun 06, 2008 16:45pm PDT

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