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Olivia Munn Still Hasn't Heard From 'The Predator' Director Shane Black After Sex Offender Controversy

Olivia Munn

Not a good look here for Shane Black… again.
As we’ve been reporting this week, the director of The Predator has come under fire after it was discovered (and released by Olivia Munn) that Black had continually cast one of his buddies in small parts in his films over the past years.
Only problem… the “buddy” in question is a registered sex offender with a violent criminal history and that is NOT cool.
Related: Olivia Pays Tribute To Anthony Bourdain’s Passing
Munn revealed this weekend in a sit-down with THR that not only has she STILL not heard from Black after the controversy erupted (dude, WTF? Be an adult), but she shares some pretty strong words about the #MeToo movement and how it is male directors even think they can get away with things like this in the first place.
Some highlights…
On deciding to step out publicly with the information in the first place:

“We’re making movies. We’re not in the mafia. I haven’t spoken against the family. This guy isn’t in our movie anymore. I try to do the right thing and that’s all I can do, and when I see something, you do something. You don’t just sit back and hope it protects your movie. The movie is a great movie, the scene isn’t in there. It’s going to do well. At the end of the day, it’s just a movie. We can’t tell stories about people and not care about people. … There are people who get very mad at you for not just helping them bury it.”

On her current status with Shane Black:

“Well, I haven’t heard from Shane. I did see his apology that he put out. I appreciate the apology. I would have appreciated it more if it was directed toward me privately before it went public and I had to see it online with everyone else. It’s honestly disheartening to have to fight for something so hard that is just so obvious to me. I don’t know why this has to be such a hard fight. I do feel like I’ve been treated by some people that I’m the one who went to jail or I’m the one that put this guy on set. I found out, and I was really important to me to have the scene deleted.”

And on how this relates to the #MeToo movement in general:

“The truth is that the situation that we’re in over the last year or so, the #MeToo movement, it really exists because the people online who are appalled and outraged and demanding that things be changed. The people who are at the top, the people colluding to keep abusers in power, the people who are colluding to turn a blind eye so that they can keep making money, they are the people who created this disparity in the first place. We can’t really depend on them to make a change. It’s the people online and people who express their outrage … If the fans and public keep expressing that they won’t go support who are abusers or organizations or companies that support that, then that will make them change. Nothing really changes until people see that it will affect them personally.”

Well said on all counts; Olivia’s full THR interview is worth a read, and you can do so by clicking HERE.
Related: Lindsay Lohan Walks Back Controversial #MeToo Comments
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[Image via WENN.]

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Sep 09, 2018 09:47am PDT