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Paris Hilton Reacts To TikToker Who Admitted To Robbing Her 15 Years Ago!

Paris Hilton Reacts To TikToker Who Admitted To Robbing Her

Imagine just hopping on TikTok one day and finding out that someone ROBBED you years ago?! Well, that is exactly what happened to Paris Hilton!

TikToker Gregory Brown, who runs a popular science account @asapscience, shared a video earlier this week following the viral “One Thing About Me” trend where people recount personal stories to the beat of Nick Minaj’s song Super Freaky Girl. And in his take on the trend, the social media personality had to make a huge confession. What is it, you may ask? Apparently, he stole a pair of Christian Dior sunglasses from Paris 15 years ago! Gregory recalled in the video that while out partying, the heiress arrived at The Guvernment nightclub in 2007 and entered the venue after posing for some photos with fans (including him) – but left her car unattended, giving him the perfect opportunity to sneak in:

“One thing about me is that I once robbed Paris Hilton, and I hope she never sees this because I could go to jail. The slammer. … I was at an M.I.A. concert. The musician. It was great. I was drinking and [makes a smoking gesture]. I left the concert, and then a big, black car pulled up and all these people screamed, and Paris Hilton got out. Then everyone goes inside, including Paris Hilton. The club was called The Guvernment in Toronto, if you know it. And everyone went and did their own thing. They all left. But the car was still there, and me and my friend opened the door. There was no one in the car, so we just got in the car.”

Related: Why Paris Declined To Participate In Netflix’s Bling Ring Documentary!

When he entered the vehicle, Greg remembered that Daniel Powter’s popular 2005 song Bad Day was playing inside and discovered a script for her horror movie House of Wax. He continued:

“We were laughing, we were screaming, we were in Paris Hilton’s car. Then my friend said, ‘Run!’ and then I thought the cops were coming, so we ran. But my friend was actually screaming with joy because she’d stolen her Christian Dior sunglasses. Sorry Paris. So we have Christian Dior sunglasses that are Paris Hilton’s. We share them in a Sisterhood of the Traveling Paris Hilton’s Sunglasses. So yes, I robbed Paris Hilton. I hope that’s okay, and please don’t put me in jail. You’re rich.”

OMG!!! Well, the truth is out now!

Of course, no theft charges could be filed today since the statute of limitations in California for stealing is three years for felony charges and one year for a misdemeanor, which are determined by the value of the property reported stolen. But lucky for Gregory, Paris didn’t seem to be too bothered by the incident. In fact, she could be seen laughing and smiling throughout his confession in a duet video! The 41-year-old even commented on his TikTok clip, asking:

“LOL! Can you please do a reveal of the sisterhood of the traveling Paris Hilton sunglasses?”

Greg then commented on her post and offered to return the sunglasses years later:

“I’M SO SORRY PARIS!!! We can give them back to you!!!! WE HAVE THEM STILL LOLOLOL, you’re the sweetest!!!!”

To which Paris responded:

“I forgive you and you can keep them! I’m not going to ruin your tradition of the sisterhood of the traveling Paris Hilton sunglasses”


#duet with @asapscience LOL! ???? Can you please do a reveal of the sisterhood of the traveling Paris Hilton sunglasses? ???????????? #ThatsNotHot #ButThatsHilarious #ButAlsoPlsDontRobMe ☺️

♬ original sound – AsapSCIENCE

To close out the sage of the stolen sunglasses, Gregory followed up with another video in which he sported the Dior frames in question, saying:

“Paris! Me so sorry. Me so sorry for robbing you. You know that you asked for a sunglasses reveal. You want to join the Sisterhood of the Traveling Sunglasses. I will happily give them back to you as long as you give them back to me. Kidding. No, you can have them back. They are yours. I did break into your car and steal them from you. Again, I’m so sorry. I was a wild child. Thank you for being such a good sport. I don’t know if you want these back fashionably, like, is this back? You tell me, fashion icon. But I’ll wear them this weekend out for sure, in honor of you not taking me to literal court. Kisses.”

Paris dueted the second TikTok video, replying:

“Omg, I remember these sunglasses. They look hot on you so you can keep them! PS: They NEVER went out of style #Sliving.”


#duet with @asapscience #Stitch Omg, I remember these sunglasses ???????????????? They look hot on you so you can keep them!???? PS: They NEVER went out of style ????????✨ #Sliving ⚡️

♬ original sound – AsapSCIENCE

This was too funny!!! Reactions to this wild story, Perezcious readers? Let us know in the comments below!

[Image via Paris Hilton/TikTok/Instagram]

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Oct 09, 2022 07:56am PDT