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Fast Food

Paula Deen's Husband Isn't Making Things Better For Her Case! Hits Up A Chick-Fil-A For Lunch!

paula deen michael groover chick fil a fast food lawsuit equality racism scandal

Tsk tsk!

Michael Groover is Paula Deen‘s husband — who we heard has been pretty upset about everything going on with Paula, especially when she mentioned that HE was one of the people telling off-color jokes she’s heard/repeated — so you can imagine, this is an odd sight.

You’d think he’d want to distance himself, his family, and his wife from anything that could be seen as not promoting equality!

But, maybe he was just having a weak moment and couldn’t deny himself some Chick-fil-A!

The fast food chain, despite their best efforts to make strides in letting everyone be treated equal, is now pretty synonymous with their anti-LGBT stance!

So when Michael Groover hit one up for some food earlier today, people were wondering what in the world he could possibly be thinking??

We know that you can’t really avoid your own cravings — and by all means even if it’s pretty unhealthy, Chick-fil-A is known for great fried chicken! But there are those out there that still take major issues with their stance on equality!

If Deen and Co. want to distance themselves from any sort of discrimination, they might want think twice about choosing a restaurant that contributes to anti-LGBT groups!

[Image via Jason Winslow/Splash News.]

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Aug 15, 2013 16:28pm PDT

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