The Boom Boom are a familiar face. They won our very first "Can You Sing?" competition back in August of 2011 with this cover of Beyonce's Best Thing I Never Had./hqdefault.jpg" /> Can YOU Sing? Phillip Phillips "Gone Gone Gone"! THESE FOLKS CAN!!!! - Perez Hilton
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Can YOU Sing? Phillip Phillips "Gone Gone Gone"! THESE FOLKS CAN!!!!

The winners of our latest “Can YOU Sing?” competition – for Phillip Phillips Gone Gone Gone – have not only made the song their own, but they completely reinvented it and made something super stella!!!!!!
Canadian group The Boom Boom are a familiar face. They won our very first “Can You Sing?” competition back in August of 2011 with this cover of Beyonce‘s Best Thing I Never Had.
For their take on Phillips Gone Gone Gone, the The Boom Boom turned the folky song into a quirky electro gem that reminds us of No Doubt!
Don’t think that’s possible? Check out their cover above! Not only is the arrangement and sound awesome, but the girl’s vocals are also killer!!!!!!!
And check out the 2nd place entry and honorable mentions…. after the jump!

Congrats to our 2nd place winners Kendra & Krista! We’re a sucker for pretty harmonies!!!!!! Check out their cover below!

And also congrats and thanks to our honorable mentions…
The Flatiron Junction, who beautifully turned the song into a guy/girl duet! Check it out below!

Not only did Robin Hedlund do a very pretty cover of Gone Gone Gone, but we were also distracted by his own pretty! Such a beautiful guy! Heartthrob! Check out his cover below!

Leah Petruska‘s covers gives us the vibe of Kelly Clarkson covering The Proclaimers. Ya, it’s pretty awesome!!! Check it out below!

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Feb 13, 2013 02:58am PDT