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You Haven't Forgotten Pippa Middleton's Bridesmaid Dress, So Where Is That Dress That Made Her Bum Famous Now?!

pippa middleton bobbing for donuts gif
Wealthy, royal-adjacent people do not have it easy.
First of all, they have to eat donuts dangling from a string for some reason, and secondly, they have to deal with being asked the same questions over and over again.
Pippa Middleton recently sat down for her first interview with Matt Lauer and was naturally asked about her infamous bridesmaid dress from sister Kate Middleton‘s wedding three years ago.
The royal aunt confessed she never expected so much attention, saying:

“It was completely unexpected. You know, I think the plan was not really for it to be a significant dress. Really just to sort of blend in with [Kate Middleton’s] train.”

Well, clearly her bum had other plans that didn’t involve blending in! Pippa also admitted that although she was flattered, it was still a weird experience to deal with:

“I suppose it’s flattering [but it was] embarrassing and not planned.”

As for where the Alexander McQueen dress is now, Pippa said:

“It├óΓé¼Γäós actually still in my wardrobe at home. I haven’t worn it since. But I think I’ll just keep it there…I think it’s the sort of thing that I’m sure I’ll bring out if someone wanted to see it or my children one day want to see it. Then I’ll show them.”

In her closet??? It should be in a museum next to Kate’s wedding gown!

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Jun 30, 2014 17:35pm PDT