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Pole Dancing At The Olympics?!


International pole chancing champion, Mai Sato from Japan, would love to see that happen.

Sato trains five hours a day in her sport that takes a tremendous amount of strength and agility – it’s just too bad it’s associated with strippers!

“I could definitely see pole dancing in the Olympics,” she said, who has been dancing since the age of three. “I would love to win a gold medal.”

Although it would have to gain recognition from the International Olympic Committee as a sport and considering baseball and softball were just cut, we can’t imagine it would be easy!

“There will be a day when the Olympics see pole dancing as a sport,” said Ania Przeplasko, founder of the International Pole Dancing Fitness Association. “The Olympic community needs to acknowledge the number of people doing pole fitness now. We’re shooting for 2012.”

If curling is in the Olympics, who are we to say?! The committee does acknowledge crazy ass sports as boules, powerboating, bandy and floorball. WTF?!

“After a great deal of feedback from the pole dance community, many of us have decided that it’s about time pole fitness is recognized as a competitive sport, and what better way for recognition than to be part of the 2012 Olympics held in London,” wrote KT Coates, an accomplished British pole dancer wrote in a petition to the Olympic committee.

“I think getting in the Olympics would be great for the sport,” said Finish pole dancer, Iina Laatikainen . “I actually see a lot of similarities in what pole dancing is now for women with what skateboarding used to be for men back in the day. Pole dancing is definitely on its way to becoming a mainstream sport.”

Good point! There’s no doubt it takes a lot of skill to do that shiz, but it needs to overcome its stigma. Maybe they need to call it something else because it’s technically gymnastics!

Do U think pole dancing should be an Olympic sport?!

[Image via WENN.]

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Feb 25, 2010 19:15pm PDT

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