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Pope Francis Comes Out Against Marijuana Legalization! Whoa, Major Bummer Dude

pope francis comes out against legalization
Pope Francis has a lot of progressive opinions on things that you might think a pope would normally be strict with.
Like breastfeeding in the Sistine Chapel, or blessing a porn star’s parrot.
Heck, he even told church leaders not to alienate children of same-sex couples!
Well now his awesome streak is finally over… he’s come out against marijuana legalization.
He said attempts to legalize weed:

“… are not only highly questionable from a legislative standpoint, but they fail to produce the desired effects.”

The Pope went on to be even more direct, saying:

“Let me state this in the clearest terms possible: the problem of drug use is not solved with drugs!”

Wow, okay Pope, jeez we get it! LOLz!
Yes, we agree that drugs don’t solve a drug problem, counseling does.
But c’mon! Legalization is taking the wind out of the drug cartels’ sails! It’s actually helping some really sick people too!
Legalization just makes it more available.
Oh well, we guess his cool streak had to end eventually.

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Jun 20, 2014 18:02pm PDT

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