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American Idol

Posh To Judge American Idol!!!

They sure do work fast!!!
Just two days after Paula Adbul‘s unexpected departure from American Idol, Simon Cowell has tapped Victoria Beckham for a one-time appearance on the judging panel.
POSH?!?! Really?
Vic even recently admitted about her talents that “I worked hard at it. I was never going to be the best singer or dancer.”
That statement doesn’t leave us very confident. How is she supposed to judge talent when she doesn’t have any much?!
Being polished and well-dressed won’t help us turn a deaf ear!!!
And Victoria’s opinion doesn’t come cheap, as she’s reportedly earning ├é┬ú155,000 (over $220,000) for the one-time stint on the competition show.
Although Posh has no definite interest in a seat on the panel for the long term, we’d like to see some prescription induced complaints on Paula’s behalf.
[Image via Armani]

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Aug 06, 2009 11:45am PDT