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Proposition 8 Ruling: Why The Supreme Court Effectively Killed The Anti-Equality Marriage Law

proposition 8 ruling explained doma struck down supreme court unconstitutional same sex marriage tolerance yay
By now, you’ve hopefully heard the AH-Mazing news!
Today the U.S. Supreme Court declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and effective ended the rule of California’s Proposition 8 which prohibited the state from recognizing any marriage that wasn’t between a man and woman.
The reason for the death of DOMA was simple, the Justices decided (5-4) that it directly violated rights guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment’s “due process” clause which prevents the government from unjustly depriving any citizen of “life, liberty, or property.”
The Supreme Court’s ruling on Prop 8, however, was a tad more complicated.
SCOTUS never confirmed whether or not Prop 8 was unconstitutional, but they nevertheless dismissed the appeal of advocates of intolerance who argued against the lower court’s previous ruling on the marriage “protection” law and its inherent unconstitutionality.
Their decision (also 5-4, but with different dissenting Justices) was that the supporters of Prop 8 didn’t have the necessary legal standing to appeal the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision from 2012.
The honorable robed dudes and dudettes ruled against Prop 8, but never came out and said the law itself violated the inalienable rights of California citizens.
We’re happy Prop 8 is finally gone, but it’s unclear when same-sex marriage will resume in The Golden State.
Regardless, this is a wonderfully glorious day for the gay community, advocates of same-sex marriage, tolerant people in general, and the recently engaged Kristen Bell, LOLz!
Woo hoo! We finally did it!!!!!
Now go out and celebrate your victory responsibly!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Jun 26, 2013 20:16pm PDT