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Joanna Krupa

Real Housewives Of Miami Is Bringing B*tches & Brides This Season! See NEW Preview HERE!

real housewives miami bridal drama preview

It doesn’t get more dramatic than a wedding!

And as if Real Housewives of Miami wasn’t dramatic enough without the dramz of choosing the right flavored cake and which table setting to use, this season TWO weddings are going down.

Considering those weddings are of dueling enemies Joanna Krupa and Adriana De Moura, shiz is going to explode and then explode again…

…and probably explode one more time for good freakin’ measure!

The first sneak peek we got of the upcoming season had us buckling our seatbelts, but this new preview has us clutching to our Ramona Singer Pinot Grigio for dear life!

So pour yourself another and get ready for some cray cray bridal shiz that’ll make your eyes pop out!

Ch-ch-check out the NEW preview…AFTER THE JUMP!!!

And don’t forget to ch-ch-check out pics of the Housewives (below)!

[Image via Bravo.]

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Jul 29, 2013 12:44pm PDT

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