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Rick Springfield Cut His Hair For True Detective And You Won't Believe What He's Doing With His Lost Locks!

Rick Springfield chopped off his hair for HBO's hit!
Say it ain’t so!
Rick Springfield ACTUALLY parted ways with his luscious locks for his new role on season two of HBO‘s hit show True Detective.
Instead of simply donning a wig to play his part as a therapist, the Jessie’s Girl singer had the show’s stylist take some scissors to his hair.
[ Photo: OMG! Is Ariana Grande Going To Cut Her Hair? ]
The 65-year-old went on Twitter to share a before and after shot (below) of his iconic mane and his now-shorter strands.

But just because they’ve been chopped off, it doesn’t mean they’re gone forever!
The musician is selling the hair he cut to raise money for charity. He explained how the idea came about:

“Before the show’s hairstylist clipped off five or six inches of my hair she said to me, ├óΓé¼╦£You know someone could make a lot of money from these clippings├óΓé¼┬ª’ After laughing that off, I thought perhaps we could raise some money for a worthy cause.”

So, Rick joined forces with the Worldheart Foundation, which rescues homeless dogs and works to provide them with shelter and find them families.
He also tweeted out a link to follow if you’re interested in purchasing his hair — for the low, low price of $750!

But, the hair that was once flowing from his follicles isn’t the only thing he’s selling for a good cause! He also has a couple autographed guitars and signed sneakers for sale, as well!
[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]

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Jun 29, 2015 22:31pm PDT