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Celeb Kidz

Ricky Gervais: Cutie Child Vintage Edition!

ricky gervais vintage kid photo dolls birthday cute
We see NOTHING in this picture that would lead us to guess that Ricky Gervais would turn into the comedian he is today — in fact, the only thing we could guess from this pic is that he’d become a zoo keeper or Tarzan or something!
We kid, we kid! He’s just a cutie little boy with his monkey friends!
Oh, and the pic was posted in honor of his birthday! So we better go ahead and get this over with: Happy birthday, Ricky! We hope it’s amazeballz!!!
Also, do you still keep in touch with those monkeys?? PLEASE DON’T GIVE US BAD NEWS, we can’t handle it!
[Image via Twitter.]

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Jun 30, 2013 10:01am PDT

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