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Robert Pattinson

Robert Pattinson's New Batman Look Is Gritty AF -- See The Memorable Trailer HERE!

Robert Pattinson‘s growling intro as the new Batman is memorable and unique, for sure!

Warner Bros. debuted its first teaser trailer for The Batman last nigh tat DC‘s FanDome, a virtual convention for its superhero brand DC Entertainment. And the trailer itself (above) was met with an immediately mostly-positive response from fans, who commended the gritty, dark nature of the two-minute teaser reel as they eagerly await The Batman‘s turn in theaters next year.

Related: ‘Twilight’ Perfectly Prepared Robert Pattinson For Coronavirus Quarantine!

Featuring Pattinson as a surprisingly convincing leading man along with Jeffrey Wright as police partner James Gordon, and even a few glimpses of Zoë Kravitz, who is playing Selina Kyle (AKA Catwoman), the trailer is two minutes of a dark, tough crime drama interspersed with some of that traditional superhero feel. Ch-ch-check it out (above)!!!

What do U think, Perezcious readers? The Pattinson trailer hasn’t even been out for 24 hours yet and it’s already racked up 10 million YouTube views. Is this a sign of good things to come here, or what?! Sound OFF about all of it with your take, down in the comments (below)!!!

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Aug 23, 2020 14:41pm PDT