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Robin Thicke On Winning Paula Patton Back: 'I Actually Have No Idea What I'm Doing!'

hs robinthicke 06
We kinda of figured such, but at least he’s admitting it!!
Robin Thicke visited Good Morning America on Tuesday to chat more about how he’s trying to get Paula Patton back, while promoting his emotional new music.
Some would say the album tribute, songs, performances and interviews are overkill, but Robin revealed he’s trying everything — mostly because he has no idea what he’s actually doing.
Eureka slightly mixed with LOLz!
We finally understand his admitted desperation for a woman he hasn’t seen in four months!
He explained:

“I actually have no idea what I’m doing. I’m just kind of flying by the seat of my pants on this one. I just wanted to make something artistic out of a very difficult period. When you lose the love of your life, you don’t have much to hide anymore. She’s the best person I ever met, so I thought the least I could do would be to devote an album to her.”

And he finally revealed why Paula is mixed with both sad and happy tunes:

“I didn’t want [the record] to be all depressing because I didn’t want her to listen to it and [be] sad only. So I wanted there to be moments where she had hope and positivity that…her and I can both still have a great life, no matter what happens and we’ll be great friends and great parents.”

He’s still hanging on y’all!
We know the duo knows the ins and outs of each other because they’ve been together since they were teens…
But isn’t it telling that she hasn’t spoken out about anything he’s done yet??
Robin’s laying it on extremely thick, and it’s sort of shifting from cute to creepy…no??
At this point, it’s hard to not feel bd for the guy!

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Jul 03, 2014 12:41pm PDT

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