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Russell Brand Sucks Jane Lynch's Face Off With SeXXXy Silly Tonight Show Kiss!

russell brand jane lynch kiss tonight show jay leno
She kissed a boy and she liked tolerated it!
Russell Brand is an openly proud sexpot, but even we were stunned when he swapped spit with Jane Lynch on The Tonight Show last night!
As the insanely lovely Jane took Jay Leno‘s stage to promote Wreck-It Ralph, she was accosted by a HIGHlarious British horn-dog who kissed her passionately awkwardly on the lips!
Silly Russell!
How many times do we have to tell you that you can’t turn a gay person straight?! We don’t care how good of a kisser Katy Perry swore you were!!
We doubt Jane’s wife Lara Embry will mind too much — it was all in good fun!
After their “moment,” Jane quipped at Russell:

“You have really nice teeth for a British person.”

He responded:

“You’ve got nice lips for a Yank.”

Ahh, international diplomacy at it’s finest!! LOLz!!
[Image via Facebook.]

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Oct 26, 2012 14:41pm PDT