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Ryan Reynolds Wants Hugh Jackman To Bless His Deadpool Movie With His Wolverine!

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Based on his past history with cameos, we could actually see this happening!
Ryan Reynolds has been up in Canada filming Deadpool for what feels like forever, and it seems like he’s craving some company.
That’s because the 38-year-old is pretty keen on getting fellow X-Man Hugh Jackman to appear in his upcoming super hero movie!
[ Photo: Ryan Reynolds Delivered A Baby As Deadpool For Mother’s Day! ]
Hugh has very famously portrayed Wolverine in seven XMen movies throughout his career, with another two already scheduled, but now Ryan wants him to be a part of his film.
In a recent interview, Ryan admitted that there’s actually a chance of Hugh popping up in Deadpool, saying:

“I dunno, we’ll see. It seems like he’s open to it, but it’s gonna be more of a scheduling issue than anything else — God I hope so, that would be really nice.”

Some of Hugh’s appearances as Wolverine have literally been for a single scene, so a 2016 cameo is very possible.
Plus, Ryan’s portrayal of Deadpool actually got its start in the 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, so it just seems fair for Hugh to bring their on-camera relationship full circle!
Are U excited for Deadpool to break the fourth wall on the silver screen??
[Image via WENN.]

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May 26, 2015 22:42pm PDT