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Ryan Reynolds Tells GQ Fatherhood Is All About Trying Not To Be A 'Complete Pile Of S--t' -- And He Reveals A Former Friend Tried To Sell Pics Of Baby James!

And he says he wants MORE kids!!!
Ryan Reynolds became a dad eight months ago when he and Blake Lively welcomed their little girl James into the world.
But the Hollywood hottie slash famous father admits he wasn’t really ready for his daddy duties, no matter how much he prepped for parenting!
Photo: Ryan Tries To Learn About Teenage Girls In This Deadpool Pic!
He opened up to GQ about how tips and tricks didn’t help him learn the ropes, saying:

“The one piece of advice I would say is: Don’t listen to any advice. Because there’s nothing you can do to prepare for it.”

The actor admits that he’s responding to fatherhood much better than anticipated, explaining:

“I’m surprised how patient I am with it. I feel like I could sometimes have a bit of a short fuse, but there’s just been this weirdly endless supply of patience … I have no problem waking up five times in the middle of the night and changing diapers, and as exhausted as you get, I have this stupid grin on my face all the time. And that’s not because I have a nanny or something like that. It’s just us right now, and I love it.

Ryan also reveals that he didn’t have the best relationship with his own father, but that actually helped shape his approach towards raising baby James, saying:

“You just try to not be a complete pile of s–t and just be there for them. You know, I like it: I mean that in the heaviest context. I genuinely lik it. I like being a father. I like having a daughter. I would like to have more kids. You know, it seems to suit me pretty well.”

Finally, the most bombshell part of the babe’s interview was when he recalled ending a friendship with a life-long buddy after he attempted to shop pics of baby James around:

“He had been shopping pictures of my baby around. I kind of got in front of it, which is good. But it was a slightly dark period. A bad couple of weeks … It was like death. It was like one of those devastating things to find out … I mean, I don’t think he thought he would ever be caught. But it’s a pretty narrow group of people that I would send photos like that to. They’re just, like, my closest family and my closest friends: ├óΓé¼╦£Here’s us in the delivery room!’ “

The actor finished up by having a strong worded convo with the former bestie of 25 years — and he hasn’t spoken to him since.
We <3 that Ryan went full poppa bear to protect his family! Don’t mess with the Reynolds crew.
He’s an A+ dad!
[Image via Peggy Sirota/GQ.]

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Sep 21, 2015 16:40pm PDT