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Ryan Reynolds Reflects On The Insanity Of Becoming Dad & The Hardship Of Losing His Own

ryan reynolds becoming a dad
This past year has been a lot for Ryan Reynolds.
Between learning how to be a dad to his daughter James with Blake Lively and struggling with the loss of his father, the Deadpool star has certainly learned how to handle major changes in his life.
Related: Ryan Gets Real About His Workout Routine
In the March issue of Men’s Health, the 39-year-old was not afraid to talk about the hardships of parenthood. He quipped:

“During those first six months, it’s amazing that you find a way to keep going. Just the lack of sleep, and the hallucinations. F*ck peyote. You want to trip balls? Have a kid and see what it’s like to be awake for a month straight.”

We feel ya, brother! He continued:

“You’ll have moments where you’re like, ‘Did I really ride a unicorn to work? I’m pretty sure I didn’t, but I don’t know. Was Willie Nelson cradling my testicles this morning? It probably wasn’t him, but let me check his tour schedule just to be sure.'”

Though Ryan seems to be a tad stressed in his role as poppa, the hunk still sounds like he’s pretty good at it! He explained that to this day he still checks to see if his little one is breathing when she’s sleeping. Aww!
In regards to losing his father to Parkinson’s disease, Blake’s husband explained:

“We had a deeply complicated relationship, and it leaves behind some questions that are still being answered. Not just about him but, you know… how I’m trying to get better at being a dad and a husband and a man.”

Poor thing.
Nonetheless, it appears the A-lister’s role in the upcoming Marvel movie may’ve been the perfect medicine to help him embrace his recent pains. Ryan added:

“I understand the idea of filtering pain through a prism of comedy. I think this character does that quite well… He wakes up in the morning exclusively to annoy everyone around him. But for your average civilian like me, I think there’s something really relatable about that idea, that there’s something to be learned by taking life a little less seriously.”

Well said! We’re definitely looking forward to seeing the flick when it hits theaters February 12.
[Image via Men’s Health.]

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Jan 28, 2016 11:09am PDT