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Reality TV

The Hardest Working Woman In Showbiz...Working A Little Harder

The Hardest Working Woman In Showbiz...Working A Little Harder


And another reality TV show to the lineup!

NBC has teamed up with American Idol host Ryan Seacrest for a new reality skein.

The show is currently titled Mommas’s Boy, very apropos for a Seacrest prodcution.

The program will consist of eligible bachelors who will have their moms help pick them the right woman.

Haven’t we already seen this before???

Seacrest would be the show’s executive producer along with the producers of NBC’s former reality show Average Joe.

According to NBC, “Producers are looking for moms and their sons who are willing to work together as a team to find the perfect mate. These mothers should have strong opinions about whom their sons should date and be willing to separate the good from the bad.”

Does this mean Ryan will be executive producer and also a contestant????

[Image via WENN.]

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May 12, 2008 16:30pm PDT

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