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Scott Disick Surprises No One & Buys $200 Worth Of Burger King Chicken Fries!

Scott Disick Burger King Chicken Fries
Soooo good.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again — Scott Disick has great taste!
And he’s only proved it further by buying $200 worth of chicken fries at Burger King!
Scott took to his Instagram to post a pic of the chicken fries box along with his receipt.
And what’s better than spending $200+ at BK? Paying it all in cash.
Mr. Kourtney Kardashian is just one of millions of people who are thanking the heavens that chicken fries are back.
After years of tweets, petitions, posts, and phone calls, Burger King has welcomed back their beloved chicken meal for a limited time.
And if chicken fries are your thing, then you’re in luck because the King has released a line of chicken-themed attire and collectibles on eBay.
You can now get t-shirts, swimwear, mugs, and beer coozies all adorned in the tasty fowl. Plus, all the proceeds from the sales are going to BK’s charity, the Burger King McLamore Foundation.
Eat up, Scott!
You’ve got literally 405 strips of chicken to get through.
[Image via Scott Disick/Instagram]

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Aug 14, 2014 21:33pm PDT