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Security Tightened As Erin Andrews Receives Death Threats On Set Of Dancing With The Stars!!


Poor thing!!

ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews, who has had a hard enough year due to that awful Peeping Tom incident, is now receiving death threats while she performs on Dancing With The Stars!!


Why would SHE get that kind of negative attention when she’s sharing the screen with the bitch-tastic Kate Gosselin??

(We kid, we kid.)

Luckily, Erin’s attorney, Marshall Grossman, claims they have a suspect and the FBI is all over that shiz, but for the meantime security on the set of the hit reality competition has been tightened significantly!

Media and audience must now arrive to tapings early, and every single car entering the CBS lot has to be searched!


We would want nothing to happen to her – girl is a sweetheart! And a badass dancer!!

Keep your chin up, bb!

Everyone is doing everything they can to keep you safe – don’t let it affect your performance!! You’re doing a great job!

[Image via WENN.]

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Apr 06, 2010 11:30am PDT