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Shepherd Dogs Help Save Goats And Cheetahs At The Same Time!

Shepherd Dogs Help Save Goats And Cheetahs At The Same Time!

In Gobabis, Namibia in Africa there is a delicate balance of nature.

Livestock, like goats, are integral to the economy and society.

But there’s always the constant threat of attack because Namibia is home to the world’s largest population of wild cheetahs!!

So how do you keep your livestock safe??

Kangal dogs!!

These cutie pooches protect their goat buddies against cheetahs but don’t kill them.

They just scare most predators away!

So ever since the dogs were introduced into Namibia 19-years ago, the area has seen the largest population of wild cheetahs in 30 years at 4,000!!

That’s incredible! The dogs protect the flock, so there’s no longer a reason for farmers to have to kill cheetahs!!

Check out the video (above) to see a cutie guard dog in action!

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Sep 30, 2013 13:03pm PDT

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