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Should We Call Off The Search For The G-Spot? Science Is Now Saying It Doesn't Exist!

G Spot Doesn't Exist
Think of the amount of time wasted in search of the mythical g-spot!! Was it all in vein, or was it worth every minute??
Science is now saying that the g-spot doesn’t exist!
So what about all those women who swear that they have one?? Can they argue with 60 years of research??
Well, the researchers say they aren’t a thousand percent sure (yep, they said a thousand), but that someday maybe someone with new technology could find something they missed. Wouldn’t that actually mean you’re only like, 99.9% sure there isn’t one? Just sayin’.
While this seems odd as most women do believe there is one, and mention of it dates waaaaaaaaaay back, the news is somewhat good: those women who think that there is something wrong with them because they can’t achieve vaginal orgasm shouldn’t worry, because this supports that there isn’t anything wrong with them at all.
Another theory is that the g-spot is more of a g-region. It isn’t like a special gland or anything that can just be pointed to and labeled.
Either way, if it’s taken this long to find the g-spot (LOLz), we’re willing to bet that there isn’t one too. Nothing changes because we haven’t found it, and there’s no imperative reason as to why we would need to yet!
Super interesting, none-the-less!
[Image via AP Images.]

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Jan 23, 2012 18:00pm PDT

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