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Soap Opera Fans Vs. ABC Affiliates

soap fans try to save shows

Hardcore soap opera fans are NOT happy about ABC’s decision to cancel their favorite shows.

Last week, fans of All My Children and One Life to Live started A RIOT outside of The Lincoln Center in NYC, as a way of protesting the network’s new daytime line-up.

They even handed out brochures referring to the replacement shows as “glorified infomercials appropriate for late-night basic cable channels, not for a major broadcast network.” Ouch!

Now, Twitter-based group Soap Fans United are encouraging fans to reach out to ABC affiliates and complain about the new line-up.

The group has been very proactive in their efforts, including writing a letter to ABC president of daytime Brian Frons, in which they accused him of “taking apart a decades old tradition that can be updated and monetized and has built in brand recognition and viewer loyalty.”

Here’s more from the group’s letter to Frons:

Disney is supposed to be about synergy. Where is the Disney synergy with ABC daytime? Why put on two unproven shows and take a risk with Oprah Winfrey & Regis Philbin departing your station? Many of you are putting in an extra hour of news in place of ‘Oprah’ but without a solid daytime lead in, the ratings are going to free fall with a domino effect from your newscasts to early prime to primetime to late local news and even late-night.”

Commendable effort by Soap Fans United, but unfortunately it looks like the end of All My Children and One Life to Live is inevitable.

ABC better not touch General Hospital though! We already know these fans are willing to riot for their shows…who knows WHAT they’ll do if they lose EVERY soap opera!

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May 25, 2011 06:00am PDT