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'SoHo Karen' Gets Off -- Charges Dismissed From Drunk & Belligerent 2020 Hotel Incident In Beverly Hills

Soho Karen, AKA, Miya Ponsetto got off easy for her Beverly Hills Peninsula Hotel incident!

The woman forever infamously known as “SoHo Karen” caught a break this week!

Miya Ponsetto, most famous for her NYC actions that went viral last December, had previously been arrested in what was then not a viral moment after an incident at the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills.

As you may recall from our earlier reporting on Ponsetto’s, ummm, interesting legal history, she and her mother Nicole were at the Peninsula Hotel in the swanky celeb-filled city back in February of last year when they allegedly got “drunk and belligerent.” Eventually, they were asked to leave by staff, and refused. Of course, that brought out the Beverly Hills PD, and the pair were arrested on the spot.

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Now, the 22-year-old younger Ponsetto — whose “SoHo Karen” fame would come months after this first incident — is off the hook completely for the Peninsula problem! During a Thursday hearing in Los Angeles County Court, a judge dismissed her case after prosecutors decided to drop the charges against her. According to TMZ, Miya’s attorney had claimed that since she had no criminal history in California at the time of that arrest, she should get off easy.

It worked, this time, but now with her volatile, infamous history on both coasts in the months since, we can’t imagine she’ll get off that easy again…

Things didn’t go quite as well for the elder Ponsetto on Thursday. Nicole pled no contest to battery on an officer, and was sentenced to 100 hours of community service along with entry into a 12-month diversion program. If Nicole is able to stay out of trouble for the next year while completing the community service, her case will also be dismissed. Both women have also agreed not to go back to that hotel. Probably wise!

Of course, Miya is still facing multiple major legal issues in both California and New York. In May of last year, she was arrested in Los Angeles on a DUI charge which still must be adjudicated in court. And five months after that, she was pulled over on identical charges just up the coast in Ventura County. Yikes!!

The biggest one — the one that catapulted the 22-year-old to viral infamy — is of course the December incident at the Arlo Hotel in the SoHo area of New York City, where she tried to snatch a phone from a Black teenager she’d falsely accused of stealing hers. The incident spread across the internet, Miya returned to California without speaking to the cops, and for a while there, she was on the run!

Recently, the Manhattan District Attorney dropped a whole string of charges on Ponsetto and had her extradited to NYC to make an appearance before a judge (arrest pictured in inset, bottom left; mugshot in inset, top left).

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Later this year, she’ll have to come to terms with all of this in court. Suffice to say, it sounds like her February incident at the Peninsula Hotel was the beginning of a very, very bad year for the woman… and with all those court cases still coming up, 2021 isn’t stacking up to be too much better!

What do U think, Perezcious readers?! One down, three to go for Soho Karen… but something tells us she probably won’t get off quite this easy every time! Ya know??

[Image via CBS/YouTube/New York City Police Department]

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Jan 29, 2021 07:30am PDT