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Starbucks Improving Their Pastry Offerings!

Starbucks Bakery
So, how does Starbucks improve their pasty offerings?
Hire a better baker for their locations? Or a baker at all??
Nope! They drop $100 million in cash to buy an entire small bakery chain.
It’s true: baked goods and pastries from La Boulange will start replacing its current lineup early next year.
There are also plans to make the San Francisco-area bakery into a national presence in the years ahead — so look out for twice as many places to inundate your everyday lives!
Interestingly enough, a third of the purchases in its U.S. locations now include a food item. So this is probably a good move on their part!
Does this mean they’ll be going after Panera now??
[Image via AP Images.]

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Jun 05, 2012 18:30pm PDT

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