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The Steve Jobs Movie Has Been Dropped Like An iPhone! Is It All Because Christian Bailed Out?

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“Let me say this in a way you’ll understand. No Christian Bale?! NO MOVIE!!”
At least that’s how we imagine it went down over at Sony.
After Christian bailed on the project, it looks like the Steve Jobs biopic is no more.
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The film, which was written by Newsroom creator Aaron Sorkin and was set to be directed by Slumdog Millionaire‘s Danny Boyle, has been put in turnaround.
That’s a Hollywood euphemism for “not being worked on anymore.”
Even with names like Michael Fassbender, Jessica Chastain, and Seth Rogen mentioned in relation to the biopic, it looks like the project has run out of battery power.
The movie sounded like a winner, so who knows? Maybe it’ll find its feet somewhere else.

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Nov 20, 2014 14:42pm PDT

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