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Twitter Can't Handle 'Bond Villain' Steven Seagal Taking Donald Trump's Side In NFL Feud... From His New Home In Putin's Russia!

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Steven Seagal was invited onto Good Morning Britain on Wednesday — though we’re not quite sure why!
The has-been action star, who you may recall is buddies with Russia’s president Vladimir Putin, was asked his views on American politics, presumably because of his extensive experience saving the world in movies? We guess?
Honestly we have no idea. Maybe Piers Morgan had to go to Moscow to find a celeb who’s on Donald Trump‘s side in his feud against peaceful protesters in the NFL!
Related: Seagal Was Granted Russian Citizenship Back In November
In the off-the-rails interview, the Above The Law star refers to Democrats as the “enemies within,” claims he risked his life “countless times” for the American flag, and says football players taking a knee is “disgusting”:

“I don’t agree that they should hold the United States of America or the world hostage by taking a venue where people are tuning in to watch a football game and imposing their political views.”

Funny he should mention hostages as Twitter couldn’t get over the fact that with the Moscow skyline behind him, he really does look like a villain in one of his cheesy action movies!
See the cray interview AND some of the best responses to Seagal’s comments and look (below)!

We know it’s cringeworthy, but watch at least until 3:20 to hear Seagal pronounce “Vladimir Putin.”

[Image via ITV.]

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Sep 27, 2017 15:12pm PDT