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Could Quidditch Become An NCAA Sport?

student play quidditch sport in real life

Did U know that Quidditch, the broom-based sport from the Harry Potter series, has become a real sport?

Don’t believe us? Why don’t you ask one of the 60 teams that will gather at De Witt Clinton Park in NYC next weekend for the fourth annual Quidditch World Cup!

The event will be attended by high schools and universities from all over the country, including Harvard, Yale, and Duke.

While many people might be satisfied with the fact that the sport has become a reality, Valerie Fischman, a student from the University of Maryland, wants more!

Fischman has launched a campaign for Quidditch to be recognized by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).

Here’s what she had to say about it:

“I think that having NCAA status will give it a little more credibility and help keep it around a little bit longer. I’m hoping that it stays around after the Harry Potter generation leaves college.”

Here’s what would be necessary to make Quidditch an NCAA sport:

-Official Quidditch clubs must be in at least 50 colleges across the country

-Athletic directors from 50+ colleges must individually petition the NCAA

Fischman will be seeking support from the International Quidditch Association which actually exists.

Looking to bring Quidditch to your school? Check out the official rulebook and spread the word!

[Image via AP Images.]

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Nov 08, 2010 17:40pm PDT

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