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Subway Jared Training For Marathon

Subway Jared Training For Marathon

Jared Fogle, aka The Subway Guy, is on to his next big challenge — running the ING New York City Marathon.

He’s enlisted the help of some big names in sports to help him out, including Michael Phelps, Ryan Howard, and 2009 NYC Marathon winner Meb Keflezighi.

In an interview, Jared discussed what initially motivated him to run the marathon:

“In the back of my mind I always said how cool it would be to do a marathon some day. And last year I had a couple hiccups with my weight and I said, ‘You know what? I’m going to turn this into a positive. Let’s do it now. Let’s not wait years.’ I really got recommitted to my health and fitness and found a trainer and said, ‘Let’s shoot for next November for my first marathon.'”

Jared also talked about how running has never come easy to him:

“I had never run more than a mile in my life before this. And that was probably in elementary or middle school. When I originally lost the 240 pounds, I did a lot of walking, but I’ve never been a runner. This is new to me. Just getting the mental motivation has been the toughest part.”

He then divulged what his marathon dream team would be:

“It would be cool if President Obama wanted to run it with me. He’s pretty fit! I am from Indianapolis and I am a Colts fan, so Peyton Manning would be my next choice. President Obama on one side of me and Peyton Manning on the other side. They’re my dream team. And the Secret Service, of course.”

It’s so great that he’s back on track with fitness and health! Keep it up, bb!

[Image via WENN.]

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Nov 03, 2010 16:16pm PDT