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Susan Sarandon Thinks Pot Should Be Free Choice!

If you wanna smoke pot, then smoke pot!
At least, that’s what Susan Sarandon thinks should be the case in world! She’s always been pro-weed and she always answers ANY question you throw at her! Basically, she says this:

“I would like to see everybody be able to smoke pot.”

Of course, she add much more to it in the interview (above)! This isn’t surprising because voiced robocalls in Denver for Amendment 64, the Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol Act of 2012!
Still, it’s nice to hear someone talk a little bit about pot with poise and clarity — instead of through a haze of smoke and a fist of Cheetos!
LOLz! Get it, Susan!

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Apr 20, 2013 10:02am PDT

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