Kelley Flanagan is done with former Bachelor star Peter Weber for good, so we probably shouldn’t expect any more reconciliation news!
The 29-year-old lawyer spoke about her time with Pilot Pete on this week’s episode of Kaitlyn Bristowe‘s podcast Off The Vine. To hear Kelley tell it, things are definitely D-O-N-E done, done, DONE between the former couple!!!
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As you’ll recall, Flanagan actually finished fifth during the hunky pilot’s season of The Bachelor, but the duo rode their prior chemistry into a relationship well after the show finished filming. Things were good — and even somewhat serious — for a while there, with the pair even planning to move to New York City together. But then abruptly at the very end of 2020, it all came crashing down — the first time. A Super Bowl sighting led to a reconciliation attempt in mid-February, too, but that quickly fizzled out. Now, it’s over for good!
And Kelley explained why, though she kept things cryptic enough to drive us crazy! She told Kaitlyn on the podcast (below):
“On my end, there were just a lot of non-negotiables in the relationship that they essentially were seeming to be worked on or saying that they were going to be worked on or changed, and actions kind of speak louder than words. If there is something that I saw as disrespectful in a relationship, I would speak on it and I was pretty vocal. I think communication is huge in a relationship and there were things that essentially I would be like ‘Hey look, this makes me feel like s**t, this makes me feel this way.’ And [the non-negotiables] weren’t really changing.”
Whoa! It’d be interesting to know exactly what those non-negotiables were, of course! Kelley never takes it that far… But she does give some insight into how Weber rushed even to announce the initial breakup news, and it’s strange AF!
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At the time, back in late December, Flanagan had asked Pilot Pete to please refrain from posting about their breakup on social media for a few days so she could have a chance to tell her friends and family about it first. He totally one-upped her, though, loudly posting the news for the whole world to see on the final day of 2020!
Kelley voiced her displeasure to Kaitlyn about it, too, recalling (below):
“I think there was some kind of mental thing going on [with him] essentially saying like ‘I had to do this in 2020.’ Like you do whatever you want, but I’ll post it when I feel comfortable.”
So strange! Why did it have to be 2020?! We make New Year’s Resolutions, too, but come on, Pete! Anyways, Flanagan reveals she got the best revenge in a way, when “maybe a week” after that split, the airline pilot came to her hat in hand:
“Maybe a week after [the initial split], he essentially tried to like get back together and was trying to work on things and I was pretty, pretty hesitant towards all of it. He’s telling me like, ‘I love you, I want to get back together with you.'”
Of course that didn’t work, and after Valentine’s Day, the couple officially called it quits. For Kelley, it sounds like that breakup is the final one here! She summed up her time with Pilot Pete by sharing this little final thought with Kaitlyn on the podcast:
“I don’t think I will be in communication with him. It’s a place in my past, I’m focusing on my future wishes. I don’t think it was the healthiest thing for me to keep [my] past and [my] future and I wish him well.”
Sounds pretty final to us!!! Thoughts, Perezcious readers?? What do U think those “non-negotiables” were?! Sound OFF with your best guesses down in the comment section (below)…
[Image via Kelley Flanagan/Instagram]