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The Bronx Verses American Idol

One episode down and they’ve already started a scandal.
Last night, Fox premiered American Idol’s first episode of the tenth season. The talk this morning should have been about how well Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez did as judges or the weirdos that showed up and in some cases made it through to Hollywood (Star Tittiays girl from Jersey, we’re talking to you!)
But alas, all of this is getting overshadowed, at least in The Bronx, as people are outraged by the portrayal their beloved borough got through the eyes of contestant Travis Orlando. Travis shared his life story about living in shelters and being surrounded by violence in the Bronx. Borough President Ruben Diaz wasn’t too happy about this and sent out a statement blasting the show for showcasing his city as they did. Here’s what Mr. Diaz had to say:

“I am thoroughly disgusted with the treatment of the Bronx on last night’s American Idol. Rather than focus on the amazing revitalization the Bronx has seen over the past three decades, the producers of the show chose instead to highlight the negative stereotypes that have plagued our borough for years. The Bronx is the proud home of 1.4 million people, and over the past 30 years we have seen a dramatic drop in crime, incredible new business activity and the development of amazing new infrastructure. The portrayal of the Bronx by the producers of American Idol in such an extremely negative light is not only shameful, it does not accurately represent how far the Bronx has come.
For those who want to learn the truth about the vibrant neighborhoods, world-class cuisine, burgeoning eonomy and amazing amenities the Bronx has to offer, I invite them to visit the official website of the Bronx Tourism Council,,├óΓé¼┬¥ said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.”

We’ve attached the video from last night (above) so you can see for yourselves what The Bronx is so up in arms about. We’re thinking they may have been overreacting a bit. The person who’s actually saying that the Bronx is infected with drugs and violence is the 16-year-old who’s living there now. Are you trying to tell us he doesn’t know his own neighborhood? Are you saying the footage taken is not of the shelter he had to live in? You’re gonna tell us that Jenny from the Block, who grew up in the south side of the Bronx, would let the show say something that isn’t true? C’mon!
What do U think?

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Jan 21, 2011 06:45am PDT

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